Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Hugh Jackman and The JLP

For those of you who follow me on Twitter know, I'm sure you know by now that I have a running joke which involves my "Quest" to get Hugh Jackman to follow me. To date, he is not following me. In fact, I've never even got a reply from him to even say, "Stop spamming me." No it would seem to date that my "quest" is just a one sided joke. Of course that is all it is, a joke (though some may not get the humor in it.) Of course, so many forget how Ellen "stalked" George Clooney for ever on the Warner Brothers lot, and it was all in good fun. All I'm doing are a few mentions and the occasional Follow Friday. Now, I know what you guys are thinking, "Jeff you're a writer, you're eventually gonna meet him anyway." To this I would say, "That is true." As a writer of awesome things, it is inevitable that Hugh Jackman will come to me to write a custom role, one of which will make him the biggest star the world will ever know. It would make him the Oprah of the silver screen. I mean, he'd be bigger that Kevin Costner... If you can believe that.
However, for now, all I have is my little amusement. It keeps me happy, so I don't care what others think. I just want Hugh Jackman to know, it's just a little fun, nothing more. There is just one other thing...

Once upon a time, Lorne Michaels offered the Beatles $3000 to appear on SNL. It was a brilliant move, which almost got the band back together. So Hugh, I offer you a similar deal. I am Co-Producer to a little web series called "Short Term" ( and I am offering you the same deal that he offered the Beatles. Now there were 4 Beatles, and we don't have the budget to give one actor $3000. So this offer... the producers of Short Term will give you, Hugh Jackman, $500 for one line, and a 30 second appearance. Think about... let me know. You know how to reach me.