Monday, April 19, 2010

Kick- Ass and the movies of 2010

I saw Kick-Ass yesterday afternoon, and let me tell you, the critics were right. This movie isn't fit for kids. There is some very bad language spoken by a little 11 year old girl. Also, she manages to kill a shit load of people. This movie isn't for kids, and it's awesome. Somehow, parents think a movie that stars kids, or anything based on a comic book is kid friendly. Parents, you're stupid. This is an action movie, one the best I've seen in some time. What happens when re-cast 'Die Hard" with a little girl, you get Kick-Ass. If you love you're action flicks, go see this movie, and see in the theater, it's meant to be shared with a crowd.

This brings me to my next topic today. A good friend of mine told me today that he no longer intends to see movies in theaters because he is tired of spending that much money on a ticket when movies turn out to suck. While I will agree with him on the fact that there seems to be a lot of crap dumped on us by studios, to swear off movies all together, well, that's a little hard to swallow from a man who is a filmmaker. That would be like a musician who didn't like concerts. I guess my thing here is, and this goes not only for him but also for anyone else who enjoys cinema.

Not every movie is meant to be seen in the theater. In fact, I would say that most aren't really worth what you have to pay these days. There are, however, that I feel, must be seen in the theater with a crowd. I'm not old enough to have seen the original Star Wars trilogy when it came out, but I did see the re-release of the special editions, and it was the first true movie event I ever got to experience. Then, of course, came Episodes I, II, and III, and though they, in no way lived up to the hype, I can't imagine not seeing them in the theater with that crowd. Sometimes, even a bad movie must be seen with a crowd. Like Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. (Sorry George Lucas) That Movie was shit, pure shit, but seeing it with that crowd, those folks who like me, wanted to see Dr. Jones in another adventure. We all took that ride together, and you know what, I'm glad I did. Granted I don't acknowledge that movie's existence and will never watch it again.

Now, net ever movie is worth your bucks, and even some that you think maybe, will only let you down. So what qualifies a movie worth it? That's up to you and your tastes, but I have compiled a list of this summer's movies that you have to see, because either they are going to rock your socks off, or they will be colossal failures, either way, it should be fun and seen on the big screen. Anything else is just a gamble.

The Losers - April 23
Iron Man 2 - May 7
Shrek Forever - May 21
The A-Team - June 11
Toy Story 3 - June 18
Inception - July 16
The Other Guys - August 6
The Expendables - August 13
Machete - September 3
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part I - November 19
True Grit - December 25


  1. I'm like your friend, I don't want to pay the loco prices at the theater but watch many netflix movies...The movies I insist on seeing in the theater are my favorite kinds (comedies) which i think are enjoyed most with the energy of the other people laughing. so, i won't pay to see an action film (although i did see avatar and totally regret it) but i will pay to see a comedy i think looks good. i love me some movie theater comedy!

  2. I'll agree with that Alej, and I did leave off the comedies, but honestly, I don't think there are many sure bet comedies this year. What I think will be the funniest movie of the year, The Other Guys, is a play on action movies. I've updated my list, but like I said, everything else is a gamble.

  3. i don't keep on top of what will be coming out, so i have no idea...but i generally see about 4 movies in the theater a year and they're all judd apatow-related :) oh, and i actually kind of want to see hot tub time machine in the theater. shut up.
