So I’m sitting at the IHOP at 2 in the morning, when I look up and who do I see walking toward me… Patrick flippin Duffy. That’s right kids, Bobby Ewing. So, I’m eating my Country Fried Steak and Eggs, and he walks up and he’s like, “Can I use your raspberry syrup, mines all out.” So I’m sitting here thinking to myself, "This is Patrick Duffy, this is the only man who could ever stand up to J.R." This is the man who had to suffer through being married to Suzanne Somers for 6 seasons. So he asks me for my syrup so naturally I’m like, “Hell no Patrick Duffy, get your own damn syrup, this is mine.” He looks at me, and he’s like, “Seriously?” and I was like, “Yeah, seriously. Now get on back to your table, I’m trying to eat here.”
What can I say, that was so satisfying. Every so often he would look over at me, and he just seemed so sad, and of course I didn’t even use the raspberry syrup. Who does? That stuff is nasty.
So as I went to pay, I noticed he was staring at me again. So as I signed my Credit card slip, I signed my name on a random piece of paper, walked over to his table and slapped it down in front of him and said, “I noticed you kept staring at me Patrick Duffy. Even though the sign on the door says “No Pictures, No Autographs” I decided to give it to you anyway.” Then I smiled at him, turned back to my friends and walked out. Just think... I just made Patrick Duffy’s night.