So it seems I’ve been sent home for being sick and fear that it could potentially be H1N1. Lets back up. So Monday, one of the guys I work with came in and was really sick. He said he had a sinus infection. So, he doesn’t come in the next two days, so we all think that’s a pretty bad sinus infection. Anyway, in the mean time, yesterday I develop a slight cough, nothing major considering I slept with the window open the night before. Of course, by the time I got to work this morning, I get that flushed feeling, and the cough seems to be getting worse. Then I’m in formed that the guy who’s been sick, actually has the flu, and possibly H1N1 due to the fact that his nieces and nephews due in fact have it, and he was visiting them on Sunday. Oh, by the way, I think that actually makes me the fourth or fifth person sick this week. All with flu like symptoms.
News from LA. Not much to report. I’ve been writing on a collaboration project. Since it’s a collaboration, I of course can’t give details or comments without all parties involved saying I can. And why would I really, aren’t some things better off as surprises.
So that’s all for this edition, but maybe next time I’ll have some great Halloween mischief to talk about. For now, I’m off to find a doctor.
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