Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Help Heather Ho Reach 2000 Twitter Followers and Stop Internet Douchebaggery

Dear World,
It has come to my attention that douchebags are taking over the internet. In fact, my own non-scientific, unofficial research shows that 90% of the people who post things online are at least three quarters douche.
What is an internet douche you ask? Well, an internet douche is someone who posts online on sites like Facebook and Twitter and think the more followers they get, the more important they are. Yet, when you look at what they have to say, it's completely inspired, un-original, and/or completely ripped off from someone else. In short, an online hack.

How can I help stop internet douchebaggery? Glad you asked. By following comedians and entertainers like Heather Ho (@heatherhocomedy) you give people who are actually entertaining, and have something to offer society a stronger voice, which drowns out all the white noise caused by douchebags, such as wanna be celebrity bloggers and the like. When you give a real entertainer a platform, only good things can happen.

So join me, and help @heatherhocomedy reach 2000 followers by July 4th, and in turn, help win back the internet for non-douchebags everywhere.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Short Term is an independently funded web series production. In fact, the entire first season was funded out of the pockets of the creators. The series has already garnered loads of praise leading up to it's official release, thus prompting the decision to green light  Season 2. However, this costs money, and that's where you come in...

Equipment rental, crew costs, actors, web hosting, transportation, location fees... (deep breath) These all cost money. By donating, you give us a chance to continue and improve upon what has already been established. With your help, darkly lit corners and muddled audio will become a thing of the past. Not to mention the ability to increase the overall production value of the series tenfold. Just like jobs, people are always going to need a laugh, and with your help, at least we can guarantee there will be plenty of those to go around.

Visit our Indie Go-Go page, and take around. You'll note that no donation is without reward. In fact there are several levels of donations, with many different reward options. Rewards range from shout outs on Facebook and Twitter, calls from the cast, insider scoops on season 2, autographed posters, and so much more. Oh, and be sure to tell'em Lloyd sent ya for an extra girthy shout out.

So if your excited about season 2, and you're looking for a way to help out, we welcome what ever you can offer. That is unless you're a large company (*cough* Subway) that likes to have your products placed in shows without mercy and are willing to give out sponsorship dollars. Then I say, give us what you got, we have no problem plugging something without reservation like an episode of Chuck. Once again thank you for your time and support.

Now go watch season 1 again.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Short Term Season 2

As of today, season one of Short Term has finally been released. All six episodes are now online at The thing is, just because all six episodes are online, doesn't mean that season one is over, in fact one could argue that it's just beginning. 

I want to take a moment to thank our brilliant cast and our small but mighty crew for all they did to make season one possible. I specifically want to thank the lovely Heather Horton, the other half of the Short Term brain trust. This was a stellar team, and projects like this cannot succeed without these kinds of people. Now on to business…

Short Term needs your help! That’s right, you. The thing about a web series, you don’t get lead-ins or network advertising to promote your show. Instead, we must rely on you, the folks who watch and enjoy our project. We need for you to tell your friends and family to take a look. Then, we need for you to have their friends and family take a look and so on. Your word of mouth is our best marketing tool, and if you would just ell one person about the show, that would help more than anything else.

However, if you’d like to do more, there’s that option as well. Currently, we are gearing up for season two and look to start production early this summer. For that production, we are looking for donations and sponsorship. If you’d like to help Short Term and want to contribute, below is a link to our Indie Go-Go page. If you’d like to make a donation, even if it’s just a dollar, we would welcome all who’d like to help. Just so you know, if you do donate, it’ll not be without reward. Depending on how much you decide to contribute, the rewards can vary from a phone call from a cast member, to a signed season one poster. There’s even an opportunity to earn an executive producer credit on the series. Regardless of whether or not you can give, check the page out. There’s some really cool stuff on there.

In closing, I want to thank the cast, the crew and the fans for everything over the past few weeks and months. You never know when you start something like this how it will turn out, but I think we’ve got something here, and with your help, season two will be that much better. In the end, this all about the people who watch… the fans and without all of you, this series would never have been made. And for that, take pride in your series, because it is just that… Yours.


All Six Episodes of Short Term Season 1 Now Online