So, I have now seen the worst movie ever made. The thing is, as a man early in my film career, I’ve seen some really bad stuff. However, none of it can top what I saw last night. Wait, I’m getting ahead of myself… lets step back.
The movie is called “The Room,” and for any one not living in LA, you may have never heard of it. Anyway, for months now, my roommate, Flippo, has been trying to recruit me into his little crew of loyal Room fans. You see, the movie is so bad, it has a cult following. Every Saturday of every month, at the Sunset 5 in Hollywood, all five theaters show the movie. And it sells out… every month. It seems to have become an event really. The crowd gathers more than an hour before the start, looking forward to the event, which features a Q&A with writer/director/star (if he can be considered any of these) Tommy Wiseau. Some how this guy takes it all serious, which I guess adds to the love the followers of this movie have.
Anyway, so I was fortunate enough to witness this unusual event, and though I truly find the movie and the man an sad joke. I do think the event and it’s followers are brilliant. For those of you who have no idea what I’m talking about, I won’t say anymore, just if you get a chance to to see it… do it. For those of you not in LA, you should still see it, but it’s way better at the Sunset 5, so maybe you should plan your next vacation around having a spoon throwing, neck pulsing, carb eating good time.
Check out The Room at